Know about Kosamba
Kosamba station code for Indian Railways Tickets Booking is KSB.
- Kosamba Train Ticket Booking – IRCTC Official Website
- Check your Kosamba train PNR status – PNR status
- Search for any train Schedule by train number – check here
- List of trains passing through Kosamba station – Check Here
- Running Status of trains via Kosamba – Running Status official Website
- List of train which will pass in next 4 hrs from Kosamba – Check Here
- List of trains between any 2 stations – check here
Kosamba is in Surat district, Gujarat. Kosamba falls under Surat metropolitan. It has twin towns and they are Tarasadi Nagarpalika and Gram Panchayat of Kosamba. Among the two towns, Tarasadi Nagarpalika is the largerst town. Both towns are independent but generally considered as Kosamba. There are many visiting places are present in and around Kosamba. Kosamba has theatre, which runs with a single screen. It has many popular eating-places. Just 4 km from Kosamba, many dining spots are available. It has some of the famous schools, which offers high-class quality education. Kosamba has access by means of road and rail. Gujarat Queen express passes through Kosamba.