Gauri Bazar Railways Station IRCTC Code GB

An info on the place of Gauri Bazar

Gauri Bazar station code for Indian Railways Tickets Booking is GB.

Gauri Bazar is a place located in the district of Deoria of state of Uttar Pradesh. It is basically located in the Nagar Panchayat of Uttar Pradesh. The official name of the station in the Indian Railways is Gauri Bazar. The station code is officially named by the Indian rail officials as GB. The total numbers of trains accommodating is around 11. Some prominent stations passing through this junction is Gwalior Junction, Barauni Junction, Gorakhpur Junction, Kanpur Anwrganj, Lucknow Ne Junction, Manduadih Junction, Hatia Junction and lots more. Some prominent trains passing through the stations are Barauni-Gwalior Mail Express, Chaurichaura Express, Krishak Express, Maurya Express, Manduadih Gorakhpur InterCity Express, Lucknow-Barauni Express and lots more.

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Gauri Bazar Railways Station IRCTC Code GB

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